Why I stopped believing in rocks and started believing in crystals.

I can still see that tiny clear backpack. Full of stones and rocks and crystals that I had collected throughout my young years. It was my pride and joy as a little kid. Filled with different colors and shapes, I would go through my collection often, admiring them individually. That was, until my parents emptied it out in the driveway. One day before it was paved over.

That was the day I stopped believing in rocks. 

Fear not, soon again I found my love of the weird and wacky stones along the paths of life. I became much more mindful of the ones I gathered this time, making sure they were really worthy of being collected. Once I found a giant baseball sized agate that I ended up writing a poem about. I was probably in 4th grade at the time. It took long years before I would recognize the power that resides in these natural beauties. 

Maybe you’ve seen some crystals at your local yoga studio, or you’ve passed by those gypsy stores full of Buddha sculptures, prayer flags and mala beads. Maybe you’ve seen some giant purple and pink sparkling geodes at museums or art galleries. They’re pretty, sure, but could they really hold any sort of significance beyond their good looks? Pshhhh nah, you say to yourself. Not a chance. 

I get it. You see all these gems and stones and crystals and you think it’s just a clump from the dirt. No way could they hold any sort of magic or power or positive effect whatsoever. They’re just rocks, right?

believing in crystals powers. madison kent. amethyst

Maybe we just need a shift in perception here. If we could remove ourselves from ourselves, floating above our bodies, you could say that we’re just meat and blood and bones and nerves. But we also have a heartbeat, steady breath, senses, thoughts, feelings, emotions, consciousness, energy, and maybe even a soul in there!

believing in crystals powers. madison kent. magnesite

Our heartbeat produces a frequency, as do our thoughts. In fact, every atom in our body (and those making up the rest of the world) produce, emit, and receive energy at a specific frequency. The earth we live on has a specific and measurable “heartbeat” or frequency of 7.83 Hz. If you still think this is hogwash then go and have yourself a google. Keep an open mind and see what you find.

believing in crystals powers. madison kent. quartz

Now that we’ve accepted some of the laws of nature, let’s move on. Everything around us is vibrating. Light and sound are just wavelengths translated to us through our eyes and ears. Some things vibrate lower and slower than others. Negative thoughts tend to have lower vibrations than positive ones. This brings in the law of attraction which is a whole other google you should sit and have if you want to radically change your life. More on this later.

Back to the crystals. Crystals like quartz, jade, and selenite resonate with some of the highest frequencies in the crystal family. These vibrations are then said to raise the frequencies of those within their energy fields (us!). Just like humans, frequencies of crystals fluctuate, which is why a good crystal charge is good from time to time (I’ve never tried this but all-knowing google again has your answers on that).

believing in crystal powers. madison kent. rose quartz

Still with me here? Good. If you are STILL having doubts about all this mumbo-jumbo, then good. I applaud you for keeping an open mind and reading on anyways. It’s a long journey to unlearn everything you thought you knew (hint: we know nothing).

crystal powers. madison kent. peridot

If you still think crystals are just rocks, I bring you one last argument to change your mind. Going along with the “fake it till you make it” motto and also the famous quote by Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – youre right.” If you believe that crystals can change your mood/raise your frequency/help heal you in some way then by dammit they will work. Believing is part of the magic of these beauties. Just like religious people follow the word of whatever God they choose, you too can choose to believe that these stones hold some healing powers.

believing in crystals. citrine

If you find or buy some gems just because they look nice and don’t genuinely believe that they will change anything for you, then they probably won’t. Until you tune yourself in to these subtle energies, they will likely stay under the radar to your being. Just like words of affirmation. If you truly doubt yourself and don’t believe that you’re worth a damn, then saying a mantra like “I’m worth it” won’t have any effect. You have to believe it in order to feel it.

Phew. Take a deep breath. Thank you for being here with me friends. The journey to a better self is long and full of surprising turns. Keep an open mind out there, but not so open that your brain falls out.

Just like the mound of beautiful stones next to my bed, stay beautiful friends. I appreciate you.

PS- If you liked any of the crystal necklaces pictured, hop over to my Etsy site to find more! Cheers : )

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