Detoxing Your Body

Why Should You Detox?

All body types store toxins. You eat healthy, you eat unhealthy, and either way you retain unnecessary gunk throughout the digestive tract. Some of us carry an extra 10 to 15 pounds of impacted fecal matter in our small intestines and colon (wtf).  Detoxes and cleanses are a super great way to purge toxins from your body and lose weight in the process. Other reasons why regular detoxing is a great idea:

*Detoxing your body helps strengthen your immunity and fight infection

*Rids the body of toxins that are stored in fat cells

*Increases metabolism

*Aids in healthy weight loss

*Increases natural energy

*Slows the aging process

*Improves your skin and hair

With hundreds of cleanse options out there, how do you know what to choose? After days of research, I stumbled upon this book about detoxing your body and revamping your natural energy.

What Is a Smoothie Cleanse?

It seemed inviting enough since I already love smoothies. After reading the first 20 pages or so, I realized that this was a pretty intense cleanse and I was about to seriously change up my eating habits.

The grocery list and daily recipes are all included and total for the first half of the cleanse I spent about $120. Some items like the plant based protein powder and ground flax seed I bought in this first round and have lasted me over a year.

The idea with this cleanse is to make one big smoothie in the morning and eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Other snacks allowed are raw unsalted nuts, hard boiled eggs, and raw veggies.

It is best to think of this cleanse as a detox ritual rather than a diet. If you want to lose weight, there are plenty of diets and plans that allow you to still eat the foods you love. This, however, will have you drinking your meals for 10 straight days. Think “detox, detox, detox,” and those smoothies go down easier.

What can you expect?

You can definitely count on feeling hungry and tired for the first few days. Day 2 and 3 are probably the crux of this cleanse as your body is essentially withdrawing from sugar, carbs, and whatever you are used to feeding yourself. You can expect to be cranky and irritable, and there is even a part in the book that explains how you should probably avoid social gatherings while you adjust to this new intake.

By day 3 I already noticed a flat stomach and zero bloating. I noticed too that my natural energy was rising. My body was getting used to a new fuel and started running more efficiently! It felt so good! The quick results are definitely motivating to push forward.

I’ll admit I started to do a modified version of this cleanse at day 7. There are different versions listed in the book that will allow you to eat a “normal” dinner. I found that this was essential for me to maintain my active lifestyle. If you are a busy human and rely on your strength and energy to get you through your days, the modified cleanse might be for you. I felt a little guilty for “cheating,” but in all reality it was necessary.

This cleanse will be as rewarding and impactful as the effort you put into it. There are extra steps you can take like doing a salt water colon flush after a few days of the cleanse, which was scary and a little gross but after reading how much matter we can retain in our colons, I felt motivated to do it. Again, it was optional, but pushing yourself to do a little more will boost your confidence and results.

My Results

By the end of the cleanse I lost 5 pounds and kept it off! (130lb to 125lb) I only did this cleanse once but am planning on another round. I encourage anyone looking to boost energy, detox their system, or just lose a few pounds to try this cleanse! It is a great way to reset your body and mind. It also changed my relationship with food. Instead of just eating when I’m hungry, I’m more conscious of what fuel and nutrients I’m putting into my body.

I’d love to hear what cleanses work for you! I am always interested in experimenting and finding plans that work for my body. Thanks for reading and as always, madlove my friends.

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